Friday, September 28, 2007
So many Covers, "Umbrella"
Tegan and Sarah do their own version which i love because their actually singing it.
This one is of Gerard from "My Chemical Romance", now the odd thing about this is that the entire audience knows the song. Isn't "My Chemical Romance" the anti-Rihanna type of music?
This one from Mandy Moore, is by far my favorite. Go Mandy!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Fuck Peta, Lacy! Fuck Them!!!
As my roommate said, "Everyone, i mean everyone even those bastard Peta fuckers have all benefited from animal testing at some point." She went on to say, "I'm sure people of the world are happy they don't have small pox, or makeup that makes their face break out, or shampoo that makes their hair fall out, and you know why that doesn't happen because at some point all that shit was tested on animals so humans wouldn't have to worry or die anymore, so you know what Fuck Peta!"
I agree, Fuck Peta. Now I'm not saying i condone animal testing or the wearing of fur. I don't think we should kill animals for the sake of fashion. I also don't think we should be hunting animals as sport, that's just ridiculous to me. I just have a problem with people who feel it is necessary to tell people what the should and shouldn't do when they themselves are guilty of the same thing. In Peta's case maybe guilty of a little more.
Lacy, you crazy fucking bitch, your a fucking idiot, your preaching about how you love animals and hate the cruelty they are subjected to, yet you support the very people who kill animals. Your a fucking winner Bitch!
I just saw this bitches myspace, and let me just tell you, "Coo, Coo, Coo, Coo." She has a whole bunch of Peta people backing her up and her headline talks about saving animals, she even has her own rescue myspace page for animals. How cute she's advertising her stupidity! Bless her.
Here is Lacy supporting her Peta Liars!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Mom's Rule!!!
I was with my mom when I hooked up the friends and pot and told her as I was leaving, “Mom, I’m going to smoke some pot.” She said, all right, you call me if you need anything or if you start, freaken out. That was it, she said, “Have fun.”
My mom is all about people being individuals and making mistakes you can learn from. Plus I was 21, you know, she has no hold over me. I respect my mother and I tell her everything. This isn’t why my mom fucking rules though, it is just the preface.
Last year I had the unfortunate pleasure of going to a Bruins game. If you are not into idiot asshole jocks in college then Bruins games are not for you. We also tailgated something I just do not get or care to understand. It is like camping with out the tents, why bother? So there are all the drunken people, acting like complete fools, surrounding me and all I wanted to do was get high and fade them all out. I took Amy, my mom’s girlfriend for a walk and we tried to find a spot where I could smoke without anyone knowing. I was successful, but did not get high enough because we had to walk over to the stadium for the game.
As we are all walking to the game, I say to my mother, “I really want to smoke this before I go in.” She said, “Pick a spot and I will block you.” We got right up to the porter potties because everyone had to pee, so I took off into a building right behind the porters. It was still open so my mom who is a big woman stood right in front of me watching my back while I watched the front. I got fucked up!!
She ruled because she thought nothing of it, nothing. She wants to grow it for me, because she loves to garden, and every time I leave her house she is all, “You got your pot?” When I show up and start smoking she always says, “Where’s my seeds!?” I dig this woman, she is a hip, hip lady, and I love her. How many parents would do this, you know. Every parent is so uptight when it comes to pot because people believe what the government tells them. If pot were as bad as they say it is, why would they prescribe that shit for, Asthma, Back pain, Insomnia, and Glaucoma? Do you know I drive while I am high, I know, ohhhhh how irresponsible, but seriously that’s how innocent pots is, I started smoking pot when I was 21, I’m 24 now, and I am an extremely safe driver. If I am fucked up then I am not driving, but if I am, cool, then I do it. Trust me I drive a lot better then some of you anti-pot fucked up drivers.
I can smoke pot all night long, and wake up never feeling the effects. I can go 6 months without pot and not even notice. My thoughts go to deeper levels and I find I am more interested in life and the way it works and controls us. I am creative sober and when I am high it is taken to another level. I feel inner peace, and at one with my self. I am not running away from anything, I am just taping into my inner self. I really think the world would be a better place if everyone just mellowed the fuck out and smoke some pot every once and while.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wonderful, Wonderful Wizard
Band Names
I'm calling BS!
MOSCOW, September 24 (RIA Novosti) - A 15-year-old boy from the Urals suffered acute frostbite after riding the wing of a Boeing-737 plane on a two-hour flight from Perm to Moscow, Russian radio station Mayak reported on Monday.
After clinging on for the entire 1300-kilometer (808-mile) flight to Vnukova Airport, the boy, named Andrei, collapsed onto the tarmac. His arms and legs were so severely frozen that rescuers were at first unable to remove his coat and shoes, the radio station said.
No way!!! i don't buy man! The airport did not confirm this story they said, "We have no information on this." The department of air and transportation confirmed the story, but who are they really. Here is why the boy hopped on the plane:
"The boy reportedly made the journey after a commonplace domestic dispute. Angry with his father, who reportedly has a drinking problem, and with his mother for siding with her husband in family rows, Andrei ran away to the neighboring village, where his grandmother lives. On reaching the village, he decided to go on, and hitched a 220-km (137-mile) ride to the regional center, Perm, where he was dropped off at the airport. "
Right! This is ridiculous! How did he get on to the runway? How did he get on the wing, when it's how many feet high? Why didn't anyone see him on the wing, and say something? How did he handle the altitude? More importantly, how did he manage to maintain his grip on the wing, to hold on for 2 hours in 900MPH speed?
Does the Airport, or Russia, need some press, or what? I don't get this story, because it is highly unlikely, highly. There are all sorts of gaps that don't fit and unless every single person at the Airport were not doing their jobs and picking their noses, i'm going to call bullshit on this story.
Way to go Cuba! Sticking it to the "Man"
Monday, September 24, 2007
Uh-Oh Looks like we have another Evil Do'er
Second, George Bush will ask Muhmoud to take him under his wing and explain how to rid America of the evil do'er homosexuals. Yeah, that is right, George Bush will be the American Hitler and kill all the homosexuals, all in the name of America, and God and most importantly, Money! He'll keep a few famous homo's like Tom Cruise because he's so America, and parade him around as if he was a dinosaur skeleton.
I can't believe they do this
At least i'm not the only one!
I know NIN but i was never a HUGE NIN fan. Perfect Drug and Closer were the two songs that sucked me in to NIN and i have seen a couple of concerts. I also loved his TRUTH about music from one of his shows, because it is the TRUTH!
I dig this cat Trent, because 1. he's a genius, 2. he's a sexy beast 3. he knows who he owes his sucess to 4. he's an artist 5. did i mention he's a sexy beast.
All kidding aside, i loved the whole concept he did with this last album, the websites and secret concert. If that isn't showing fan appreciation, i don't know what else will. Thank you Trent for keeping the hope in music ALIVE!
Why is this such a big deal?
My boss is a chain smoker, and he ran out of cigarettes this morning. I took his car to the 7-Eleven, when i got in he was listening to OutQ - Gay radio on XM i believe. They were talking about a senator, or congress man in San Diego who has a gay daughter, who was anti- gay marriage but has now changed his views.
My instant thought, "Are we still talking about Gay Marriage!" Come on, people just need to get over it, seriously. It is like the slave days all over again, "No don't let them be free, they'll kill us."
Which by the way white'y, "You totally deserve to die for what you people have done to the Indians, Africans, Asians, and Jews."
Here is what i don't understand, "How is two men or women getting married going to effect everyone else in the world in a negative way?" A chick here at work is getting married this weekend, is it affecting me in any negative way, no! It never will!
We're not protecting the kids, which is what they like to claim, "Oh if children see it they will have problems in the future." Kind of like all those video games with violence you let sell, or the movies that promote violence that you allow to be sold, or the television programs, and the Paris Hilton's, and musicians who promote violence and sex and all the other bullshit in America, that you still let influence our young generation. Where is that protection.
My cousin who is 14 and was raised without hate and ignorance, has been brought up around homosexual relationships. He's an honor roll student and has a very high IQ. He will grow up to be a well rounded individual who has no knowledge of hating people for race, sex, orientation, religion, or creed. That's more than i can say for 90% of the world who let the hate and ignorance pass down to another generation.
The government is running the world according to a best seller book. A published book of recollections of someones ideas. Someone who can not prove their existence nor can any scientist or religious icon. Yet i do believe there is a law or a rule that you must not bring religion into any business, or public school. That is a fact, i mean you can get fired for having Jesus as your background. So why is the government breaking their own rules, or laws for the sake of "marriage?" Which by the way, straight people ruined marriage, they did. Funny how only homosexuals seem to get the whole idea of marriage. The same straight people who believe its "gods" way to allow a meth baby to be born and then sit in an orphanage for the rest of their crippling lives because "God" says its a sin to abort. This is their logic.
The government who opposes gay marriage are all hypocrites, their all in sheep's clothing. We all know deep down they all have thought about the same sex, once or twice. They hate themselves for it so we all suffer because of it.
I don't believe in straight, bi, or gay, i believe in attraction. It is a powerful thing and you can not help who you are attracted to. No matter what!
Ask anyone who has a significant other if they "choose" to be attracted to them, or if it was something they had no control over?
This gave me a great idea!
This flier gave me the greatest idea for my band flier (when i get a band of course) here is what i want:
I want the current Pope, to be all homo with Perez Hilton, maybe even getting married while an abortion is being performed right in front of them. I want the caption to say, "Just as we suspected Pope'y sucking dick and killing babies, all in the name of Jesus!"
I can't wait to start a band! Call ourselves the PopeFags! Love it! Or the HomoCones, get it as in the cones they wear on their head that look an awefully lot like the KKK. Just saying!
Can i just say as well, that the flier above is totally fucked up and somewhere in by black cold heart is a warm spot for her. It sucks being a druggie slut, whose parents could really give two shits about, but you choose it and thought it was hip, so you ahve no one to blame but your self coke'y!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Why, Marc Why?
LOGO Channel should have not showed the video because it knocks what they are all about. Here is a guy who is clearly gay but too ashamed to admit it and wants to make money so he tried to act straight, because he is ashamed. Bad LOGO bad!
Marc Ronson clearly hired a gay man to sing a straight song, which is all right by me but making him do a video where he is singing about a women or chasing a women is ridiculous and insulting. If you want to appeal to the straight people and want to sell records do it with integrity, have the video show Daniel singing but the story plot with too other actors (one who is straight or believable as straight), or hey grow some fucking balls and show Daniel trying to hook up with some guys, that would fucking rule!!!
Watching the video that is what I thought, “This video would be so much better if he was cruising for guys instead of girls.”
It was just a bad concept for a video. I do however dig the entire CD!
James Taylor is stalking me, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Everywhere I go lately if there is music playing, it is James Taylor. Weird, not so much. I go through months where I will listen to a CD non-stop and usually I feel like I am being stalked because I hear songs from the CD everywhere I go. James Taylor has been my mood for the last month, so naturally he is stalking me.
James Taylor, makes me want to be a better persona. He puts a smile on my face, and send a feeling through me that I would like to never go away. I don’t know if it’s nostalgic because I wasn’t alive in the James Taylor era, but it’s the best way I can describe what James Taylor does for me. I just want to braid my hair, burn my bra, and frolic in fields of purple flowers.
Steamroller, is by far my favorite song by James Taylor.
Green means GO!
Has anyone noticed in the last few years the Green Light just does not hold true to its meaning anymore? I have and it frustrates me!
Maybe the rules of the road have changed and nobody told me. Is the Red Light the new Green? It seems that way, I sit at Green Lights waiting for people to figure out that Green means Go and by the time I get to the cross section, the light turns Red. It is funny because when it turns Red everyone suddenly speeds up to cross the intersection. I guess red does mean go.
I fucking hate people when I am driving. When the light turns Green and my foot is on the brake pedal for more than 30 sec, I start to lose it, I really do. I do not understand how people can just mozy on through as if their the only ones on the road. If I am at a left turning signal and it turns green and I see one car go and then the car behind him lets a 3 car gap get between him and the first car because he decides to take his sweet ass time, I fucking lose it. I become a raving bitch because now I have to wait through another cycle of lights, and waste more gas, all because some inconsiderate PRICK doesn’t know how to fucking DRIVE.
Ugh!!! I am so done with California; it really is the home base for Assholes who suck the inner peace out of you. FUCK YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Crazy Days and Nights
I want it to be Norma Shearer because she looks a lot like Henry Ainley, but due to the recent hint ENT gave it is more than likey "Alice Brady." Boo! We all wanted it to be explosive, like a Grace Kelly magnitude. We still haven't found out who the "Timmy" is or the A-List actor "Timmy" was involved with. So i am looking forward to a great reveal, and it better be worth it
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Don't Call Me a Model!
Three Tuesday’s ago I met with Artist Management, a division of The Hollywood Management Co., specifically a classy man named Dillon. He was very easy to speak with and very up front. I was chewing gum and he was all, “First lesson, never chew gum.” I apologized and he said, “Hey, I don’t give a shit, it’s just gum but potential employers have issues with it.”
He broke my looks down and said, “You’re very pretty.” Then he proceeded to say, “Wow, those lips are great are they yours?” I told him, “Since birth, they didn’t call me duck lips for nothing.” Then he said, “You know women all over pay lots of money for lips like that, and that hair, you have great hair, yeah, I see you doing all these hair ads and lots of lipstick, lots of it.” I said, “Thank you” and thought it was funny because I never wear lipstick, I think it makes my lips look huge. Then he said, “here is what happens, Mary Brady is the modeling agent and she decides who she wants, I do the initial interviews to weed out the models, then I take the applications back to her and we discuss. I’m giving you an A++ because I think you’re an absolute doll and I believe you could make a lot of money.” Out of 300 emails Mary responded to 40, out of the 40 only 4-5 models will be choosen.
A week later Dillon calls me and says, “Mary wants you, welcome aboard!” I was so flipn excited I went and told everyone the news. Dillon also hooked me up with this photographer for my Lifestyle fashion shots for a ZED card. Which is a card with about 3-4 pictures of you in your clothes posing and crap, casting agents needs this to cast for models. It’s a lot different then a head shot when it comes to modeling, I guess.
Last Friday I had an appointment with the photographer and we shot all along Wilshire Blvd. I had this knitted shit that was waist long but longer when you pulled it down. I also happened to bring some tights. The photographer decided that this would be a perfect outfit. Me in this shirt with black tights and stiletto boots…in a shirt that barely covered my ass, I did it I have no qualms about nudity, if people want to see my ass naked (not a pretty site) then so be it, more power to them. Apparently people did want to see my ass because as I was shooting in this alley way I turned around to put my pants back on and there was a few guys waiting for the bus just gawking. Every location shot we did someone was whistling out their window as they drove by, it was obnoxious, it really was. I mean it’s LA for Christ sakes they should be use to this shit!
I have to go back tomorrow to check out my photos and bring them home. I’m looking forward to how they look, and what I look like. I’m always insecure when it comes to photographers I don’t know because they don’t know me. I work with my roommate “Two Times” and she knows how to shoot me she just gets me at all the right angles and when you look at the picture it still maintains my integrity, you know. I took headshots for my school and I walked away seriously disappointed. The woman just pointed her camera and clicked she did not even pay attention to angles or proportions. Moreover, the photos did not look at all like me. So I guess until then….
Monday, September 17, 2007
...and they look all just the same!
My roommate “Two Times” recently went back home to Minn. She tells me that when ever she goes back the first thing her extended family asks is, “Have you seen any movie stars.” “Two Times” has said that most people who do not live in California always assume that you will see a star every time your walk out of your house.
Hate to break to everyone who does not live in California but I was born and raised in Los Angeles, going on 24 years now. Here in my 24 years of life are all the stars I have seen or met:
Rosanne Barr – Not very friendly
Lark Voorhies aka Lisa Turtle – Also not very friendly
Damon Waynes – Passed by him
Alice Cooper – Waited with him along with other for baggage at airport
Ashton Kutcher – Very funny and VERY NICE
Danny Masterson – Very Personable
Topher Grace – Not friendly
The rest of the cast of “That 70’s Show” – everyone except Mila Kunis, she left right at curtain call
The guy who played the rich kid in Cool Runnings – Held the door open for us
Danny Dvito – Ameoba records he was looking for Rita his wife but he was so little he couldn’t see over the aisle he bumped into me looking for her in the Blues Section.
Emett from Queer as Folk – He was in a parade
Malcolm Jamal Warner – Don’t really remember him I was like 7
Charlie Sheen – Just saw him at a dodger game
The hot black guy from CSI original – He came to a screeching halt at a stop light in his Porsche.
Jorge Garcia aka Hurly from Lost – Totally the most awesome guy you will ever meet.
I recently just saw Lynne Spears at a drive thru for Coffee Bean. She was irritating me, to the max. She pulled up to the drive thru order box and after she ordered she drove about 7 inches, stopped for about 30 seconds to pull out her phone. Then after she got her coffee and it was my turn to pull up she decided to move about 7 inches and then stop to adjust something or other and after another 45 seconds she decided to move after I shouted, “Come Lady figure it out.”
For the record I can not be sure it was her but it had all the symptoms of her.
1. Driving in Santa Clarita – Her daughters show Zoey 101 is filmed out here
2. Driving a White Range Rover – I’ve seen the younger daughter and Lynne photographed in a white Range Rover
3. Hair – Had the mid length mom do with bangs, brown
4. Eyes – Had those same sunglasses she always wears
5. Wrinkles and mouth – had the same wrinkles around her mouth.
This warms my energy
Two students at Central Kings Rural High School fought back against bullying recently, unleashing a sea of pink after a new student was harassed and threatened when he showed up wearing a pink shirt.
The Grade 9 student arrived for the first day of school last Wednesday and was set upon by a group of six to 10 older students who mocked him, called him a homosexual for wearing pink and threatened to beat him up.
The next day, Grade 12 students David Shepherd and Travis Price decided something had to be done about bullying.
"It’s my last year. I’ve stood around too long and I wanted to do something," said David.
They used the Internet to encourage people to wear pink and bought 75 pink tank tops for male students to wear. They handed out the shirts in the lobby before class last Friday — even the bullied student had one.
"I made sure there was a shirt for him," David said.
This kind of shit just gets me, it really does. I sat and read this story and couldn't help but smile. To think two teenage boys decided that making fun of someone for the color of their clothing was un-acceptable. What an empowering thought for them to have, so much that they decided not just thinking it was enough, they had to do something.
These two are very clever because here is the thing, i'm sure half of the kids that wore these Pink tops were some of the few who made fun, or thought of making fun of the 9th grader. Probably because the two bullies were making fun of them. That's what teenagers do, they follow because they don't want to appear "un-cool."
David Shepard and Travis Price, 12th grader geniuses, decided that them two alone could not prove a point, but thought if you involve the "followers" a point could be proven in a very positive way.
These two created a silent protest against school bullying, these two threw the absurdities of the world in the faces of the ones who perpetuate it. School officials do jack shit about bullying, they see it as making a kid "tough" and that it is healthy. Parents also see it as this way, and are quick to fault the victim as being too weak to stick up for themselves. Parents are the perpetuals of hate, kids see their parents actions and emulate, thus a sick virus of ignorance.
It took two 12th grade students to prove what idiots school officials are. They may not think of it the way i do but these two guys made a small difference in the world. My Hero's!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Dreaded Teen Bands
Fall Out Boy, Maroon 5, and My Chemical Romance seem to be a slight exception for me. I genuinely cannot handle all three of these bands but they have caught my ear with a few songs here and there.
Maroon 5: I cannot stand the Adam Levine. He comes off rather pretentious and pompous at times, and as many know, I do not handle arrogance very well. It instantly turns me off and I refuse to give anyone a chance after that.
I was in a car when a friend was playing Maroon 5’s first cd. It is hard to resist a funky beat with a great hook and unfortunate for me, Maroon 5 is drowning in funk and hooks. I dug the songs, “Harder to Breathe” and “This Love” (which makes me want to dance like a white person) and I hated the, “She will be loved” song. God that was absolutely HORRIBLE.
Their new CD has one really funky song that I can’t get enough of and I hate that. It is called “Wake Up Call.” Man, talk about a song that you cannot help but move to. The same friend who showed me the first CD showed me this song as well. My mother is obsessed with it and one drunken night when I was driving both of them home; my mother played this song 5 times in a row. I was instantly sucked into it.
Why is Pete Wentz the face of Fall Out Boy and always front and center when all he does is play bass?
The lead singer for Fall Out Boy who wears the hat, I am so in love with him. I love that, “This ain’t a scene it’s a arms race,” song, it’s fucking catchy I’ll give them that. What got me the most about that song was “hat guy’s” singing he just blew me away. I’m a sucker for guys who can wail and boy does he have a set of pipes. He probably has more talent running through his veins then that ugly bastard Pete Wentz, but because he is the “hunk” of the band, “hat guy” takes the back seat.
Someone please explain the appeal of “Pete Wentz” that guy is fucked up looking and dresses like a 15 year old girl. The makeup…come on dude, you are not that cool to be wearing eye liner, you look like a fool.
My Chemical Romance: I think Heroin was their drug of choice. I cannot stand this band, I really cannot. Especially with this concept album, jesus Christ, a bunch of fucking nerdy ass dungon and dragons geeks trying to be musicians. I am so tired of it, seriously. Where is Trent Reznor when you fucking need him? Chris Daughtry rocks harder than these guys and he was on American Idol, pretty sad. Also, he pulls off the make up thing (even though I hate it) a lot better. The Black Parade just came off as trying a little too hard. Again, “The Decemberist” are much better at concept albums and story telling through music than these armatures.
I will however say, that “Helena” when Gerald wails towards the end, sucked me in and I admit I dig that song. That was the only one and I have not listened to that CD. The Black Parade has one good song out of the two I have heard from the album, actually it’s a really good song and I hate to admit that. I was watching A&E and they were advertising for “The Sopranos” while the clips were showing they had this very theatrical song playing and I immediately said, “Who the hell is this.” Come to find, it is My Chemical Romance. I hated myself for liking it, and then liking it even more when they sampled Liza Minnelli on the track. I will give them those songs but that is it, and I refuse to purchase the CDs just for the songs.
They suck live too, which is a huge factor in me liking a band.
Is it too much to ask for some decent music with real musicians who do not have to create and image to sell their music. Is it too much to ask the music to sell it’s self?
I am so glad that I do not suffer from this mental disease because I think I might just end my life. I was raised around my teenage (14-16) cousins who were having babies. I am Hispanic which means we do not hire babysitters we just make the younger cousins watch our kids. That was me, until I hit 16, then I was officially done being a second parent. This is what I always felt like. I knew more about raising kids when I was 10, then knowing what being a 10 year old was like. My life of raising and taking care of children are over. I have no desire to be a mother, in fact the thought of being called “mom” kind of creeps me out. To have a disease where you believe you are pregnant, and so much that your body starts reacting like it is pregnant, is far too creepy for me.
Thank god for the little sanity I have.
Oh My God!
Today is my personal revolutionary day!!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What Contacts really hide
Go away Church People!
From AP: Kathy Griffin won an Emmy last weekend and it seems that her acceptance speech did not go over well with Catholic League President Bill Donohue. Who can frankly kiss my ass. E's telecast will not air her full speech, because she said this:
Is it wrong that i love this!
My VMA Break Down
MTV, has a lot of explaining to do because they hyped that Britney Performance to the limit and then some. Who was in charge of supervising her performance, because if she performed in rehearsal as she did on the actual show, which by the way she did, they showed clips of her rehearsing and it looked like an exact copy. I would have scrapped that shit in a heart beat. Sat dear Britney down and said, "Look your just not ready yet, get your shit together and maybe next year we can do something." Then on to plan B. Now a days with Britney you should always have a plan B.
MTV = Sell Out.
Remember when MTV was innovative, when they would show videos that people did not want aired. They have gone soft now, fucking pussies, showing shit shows like “Sweet 16” and the dreaded “Hills” show. How hypercritical to award, awards for something MTV does not even partake in anymore…Music. MTV 2 has even sold out, all they have is Subterranean, and they barely show that!
It is pretty pathetic when I’m watching the LOGO channel for upcoming artist because they seem to be the only legit station that actually plays legit music. MTV went down hill when they got rid of Carson Daily, and now it takes 4-5 people to do what he did alone.
The VMA’s have sucked hard core for a while now; the last good show was when Chris Rock was hosting. The worst show ever was when P Diddy tried (I use that term loosely) to host. That show was the most self-absorbed show I have ever seen. P.Diddy obviously was confused when they asked him to host, because I am sure they did not say, “Hey Diddy, why don’t you come up with your own variety show where you can once again for the thousandth time pay tribute to BIG.” Get over it fucker!
I am a hardcore VMA fan I have been watching the VMA’s since Janet Jackson performed “Black Cat.” I think I was 7. She changed my life with that performance and I have not missed one since. These days I have to force myself to watch them. I usually end up taping it and watching it the next day so I can fast forward through all the bullshit awards (quadruple threat, you kidding right, Justin is not that great of an actor) and just check out whatever lame performances. Out of however many performers they have usually only two are ever good.
I feel genuinely bad for today’s youth because MTV is killing Music. Music is art but with people like Kanye, and P.Diddy, and Britney Spears influencing today’s youth, I am afraid the art in music is obsolete and now just superficial ways to sell materialistic bullshit and create super egos who think their artists. I am ashamed for MTV, I really am.
I leave you all with the very wise words of Justin Timberlake:
Timberlake said: "I want to challenge MTV to play more videos!"
Warning: Looney below!
He talks about Perez and all the negative things he's says about the Britster. You know kid, if you can't handle a person's opinion then don't read it. Also, every time you go to Perez's site, your putting money in his pocket, your adding to his popularity and giving him more reason to trash Britney. Think before you act.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Tokyo, obviously has no personal space issues...
If there is anyone i hate more than Paris Hilton its...
The rapper with the insanely large ego wrote an idolizing song about Jay-Z on his new album and now he’s saying really nice things about Justin Timberlake.
“My biggest inspiration and biggest competition is Justin Timberlake,” Kanye tells the October issue of XXL magazine. “He’s the only other person that gets an across-the-board response and respect level - black radio, white radio. If Justin hadn’t come out and killed the game, I can’t say that my album, singles and videos would be on the same level that they’re on.”
“We push each other,” says West. “I look at me and Justin like Prince and Michael Jackson in their day.”
“I feel like my lyrics are, if not THE, then equal to, the realest lyrics out,” he says. “I connected with so many people without talkin’ about guns and drugs. … It’s harder to go to work 365 days than shoot a person in one day.”
I don’t know how much more of this delusional bullshit he spouts without any sign of competence or intelligence I can take.
You had one good album that was full of real shit, that gave you popularity. Now where was it ever said that you were the best, of best and everyone should treat you like you are. You then went and created a little song "Gold Diggers" with Jamie Fox that frankly was the biggest pile of shit I had ever heard, and contridicts this "writing real shit." That song was straight commercial and there was nothing real about it.
Though I must admit, I was mildly amused at yours and Jaime’s bigger than your head egos performing this song live. Where you people would walk out in some suit that you felt made you look like some baller performer, and you performed with the arrogance of someone who has been huge in the business for 50 years. All i could think was, "So sad because there are millions of people who have your talent and would use it and appreciate it more than you ever could."
It was all very comical, like watching a little girl plays dress up in mommies clothes and then tries to kiss daddy like the one mommy does because they do not understand their limitations, or that this behavior is inappropriate.
You’re a little girl Kanye, and I know that the little girl in you brought out the little girl in Jaime and you guys played doctor with each other. Fact!
You have to go through some ridiculous pubic tirade to sell your record…and I guarantee you will not transcend time. In fact I promise you will not. Prince since the 80’s that is over 3 decades, you’ve been around how long and you have the nerve to compare yourself to someone of his magnitude.
You’re a fucking loss cause who really doesn’t deserve all that you have. At one point we all felt for you because of your accident and now it seems like its all made up and you’ve taken a negative to a positive and then had it plummet to a negative again and now we just see you as a joke with a fucked up face.
Yes, Brandi C. I’m making fun of a disability but it’s not like he’s in a fucking wheel chair okay, then man makes millions and says stupid shit so he’s fair game
RIP: Popcorn. He never saw it coming.
CINCINNATI (AP) - A man who shows snakes and other reptiles at schools, festivals and libraries says a boy who told the man he hated snakes stomped and killed the man's 10-foot-long python. Scott Braunstein said he was showing Popcorn, a nonpoisonous albino Burmese python, Sunday at the St. Bernadette Festival near Cincinnati.
"The next thing I know ... the kid raises his leg and stomps down on the snake's head," Braunstein said. "The snake started convulsing."
Braunstein said he saw a man grab the child and say, "This is why I don't take you anywhere," before disappearing.
"I've never, never, had anything like that happen," said Braunstein, who operates House of Reptiles, based in Dry Ridge, Ky.
Braunstein's collection includes alligators, lizards, spiders and frogs. For two years, Braunstein's animals have been featured in a petting zoo at the festival.
"Scott's business is to educate people about reptiles, and his goal is for people to learn to appreciate rather than fear the reptiles that share this planet with us," said Dan Meakin, who founded All Creatures Animal Hospital in Amelia, Ohio.
First and formost find that fucking kid and stomp on his mothefucking head. Unacceptable! Who are these parents! I can't handle stories like this, because if the parent had a tight leash on this crazy bastard than Popcorn would still be alive. What is more concerning is that this fucked up kid is harboring some serial killer tendencies. Killing animals with no remorse is the first step into a future of killing. Way to go parents!
I had two ball pythons and a close relative had a bermese albanio python. I was deathy scared of snakes until Amy had me hold one of the ball pythons. I fell in love instantly. They were the sweetest snakes and would give me kisses on my cheeks, and they just chilled with you, i loved them. Its disheartening to hear that this kid was all "I hate snakes" when he probably never met one. I do wish people would get beyond stereotypes and just handle one snake, i promise you'll enjoy it and you might go out and purchase one of your own. They are really special animals. I promise
93 year charged with Cocaine Trafficking
William C. Tinnen was arrested Thursday during a raid at 204 Teel St., police said in a news release issued today. Police spokeswoman Kammie Michael said she assumed police had a tip that drug activity was taking place there.
In addition to trafficking, Tinnen is charged with possession of cocaine with the intent to sell or deliver, possession of drug paraphernalia and maintaining a dwelling for the sale of drugs. Officers also confiscated three firearms from the house.
Oh man let the man go, seriously. They guy probably has health insurance! You know what that means right? No? Oh i'll tell you what that means:
William C Tinnen looks like a guy who needs medication on a regular basis, the guy is 93 years old it's only natural. So if he needs meds then he has health insurance which then means he's probably hundreds of thousand of dollars in debit. Thats what health insurance does for you, it's doesn't provide you with anything useful for your daily means...i mean they do for an insane fee.
Most of the time they just refuse to help you even though you probably shell out hundreds of dollars a month to them. So now you have to live your life constantly making money to pay for your medical bills and percriptions because your health insurance doesn't cover the med you need. Whats a 93 year old man to do, no company is going to hire him, that would be too much a of a liability.
Drugs, thats always the solution for money. Look at the pharamcutical companies, they make bank on selling shit for shit causes, like restless leg syndrome, or how bout the HIV meds that just cause other serious side effects that you need to take more meds for that only cause more side effects. Its a vicious cycle that the government and pharamacutical companies are banking on. There is no age limit to traffic drugs and i'm sure you make great money doing it, because business is never slow, supply and demand people.
So in my theroy, if William C Tinnen is being punished for something the Government gets away with should we really be punishing him?
This is all speculation William C Tinnen could be a drug addict for all i know, i just thought it was an interesting idea.
Why Backstreet Boys, Why?
I saw 5 minutes of High School Musical and changed the channel. I'm a hard core Grease fan have been since the age of 6 and there is no way i could respectfully sit through the mess that is High School Musical and call myself a Grease Fan.
So any way, I broke down and listened to the Backstreet Boys "Inconsolable." SNORE!!! Its absolutely "Intolerable!" Get it? All seriousness, it's really really mediocre and so early 90's. So sad boys who can't grow up and living in a world i call, "Use to be" as in "This kind of music USE TO BE the rage" but not anymore. The fans have grown up to like "The Pussycat Dolls" and shit "EMO" bands, their not into this sappy poor me trying to be a love song, songs. Grow up and see the bigger picture Backstreet, your time has come and now it's time to move on. Take a fucking cue from the one who left the band. Retire!
Inconsolable sounds exactly like their last single, "Incomplete." Time to get a new formula fella's