Thursday, September 20, 2007

Green means GO!

Has anyone noticed in the last few years the Green Light just does not hold true to its meaning anymore? I have and it frustrates me!

Maybe the rules of the road have changed and nobody told me. Is the Red Light the new Green? It seems that way, I sit at Green Lights waiting for people to figure out that Green means Go and by the time I get to the cross section, the light turns Red. It is funny because when it turns Red everyone suddenly speeds up to cross the intersection. I guess red does mean go.

I fucking hate people when I am driving. When the light turns Green and my foot is on the brake pedal for more than 30 sec, I start to lose it, I really do. I do not understand how people can just mozy on through as if their the only ones on the road. If I am at a left turning signal and it turns green and I see one car go and then the car behind him lets a 3 car gap get between him and the first car because he decides to take his sweet ass time, I fucking lose it. I become a raving bitch because now I have to wait through another cycle of lights, and waste more gas, all because some inconsiderate PRICK doesn’t know how to fucking DRIVE.

Ugh!!! I am so done with California; it really is the home base for Assholes who suck the inner peace out of you. FUCK YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!!

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