Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The one time i need ESP

You ever get the sneaking suspicion that two individuals are maybe a little more friendly then they should be? Like say they work closely together but its not really necessary because their positions do not require them to interact all that much.

Lets say for instance you have a Corp. Controller ( i will call Turf) and a Regional manager (i will call Surf) for a branch, who have meeting with just the two of them on a regular basis. They giggle and flirt and then go out for 5 hour lunches or claim to be viewing a job that is 10 minutes away but their gone for 6 hours. You might ask your self why would Turf need to see a job site if her main job is to manage cash flow and the team of corporate workers. Why would Turf need to have weekly meetings with a field worker.

I have a better question: Why would a married women (Turf) with two children spend six hours away from work to see a "job" (10min away) with a younger male (Surf) regional manager and take her BMW instead of his company work truck? Might add that these five to six hour lunches/job visits only occur when the president is conveniently out of the office.

Wait, i think i have one more: Surf rec's a gift from a "friend" a fruit basket with a card that reads "here is to healthier eating" he brings it into a corp meeting with his employees and Turf's employees. Turf, asks Surf who he eats bad food with to warrant a fruit basket, Surf says as he leans with a smile, "Well only you." To which Turf slaps (in a playful way) Surf's arm and says his name all cutesy.

Why should i care you ask, well its funny, really, see here is the thing and I'm not proud to say this but, Noir has been in love with Surf for 6 years now. He knows and enjoys leading me on and toying with my mind. I am torn because i know it is stupid to hold on to someone who doesn't want you but no matter how much i have tried (believe me i have) i still get pulled to him, like a magnet.

I'll go more into depth about the ballad of Surf and Noir some other post...i can't deal with that nonsense at this moment.

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