Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mom's Rule!!!

My mom fucking rules, seriously, everyone should have a mom like mine. When I turned 21, I sat and looked at my pathetic lack of life and said, “I need to experience some shit.” So I called some people up and hooked up some marijuana. I had never tried marijuana because it never interested me. My families a bunch of hippy musicians love the pot, which is probably why I never had the desire to do it.

I was with my mom when I hooked up the friends and pot and told her as I was leaving, “Mom, I’m going to smoke some pot.” She said, all right, you call me if you need anything or if you start, freaken out. That was it, she said, “Have fun.”

My mom is all about people being individuals and making mistakes you can learn from. Plus I was 21, you know, she has no hold over me. I respect my mother and I tell her everything. This isn’t why my mom fucking rules though, it is just the preface.

Last year I had the unfortunate pleasure of going to a Bruins game. If you are not into idiot asshole jocks in college then Bruins games are not for you. We also tailgated something I just do not get or care to understand. It is like camping with out the tents, why bother? So there are all the drunken people, acting like complete fools, surrounding me and all I wanted to do was get high and fade them all out. I took Amy, my mom’s girlfriend for a walk and we tried to find a spot where I could smoke without anyone knowing. I was successful, but did not get high enough because we had to walk over to the stadium for the game.

As we are all walking to the game, I say to my mother, “I really want to smoke this before I go in.” She said, “Pick a spot and I will block you.” We got right up to the porter potties because everyone had to pee, so I took off into a building right behind the porters. It was still open so my mom who is a big woman stood right in front of me watching my back while I watched the front. I got fucked up!!

She ruled because she thought nothing of it, nothing. She wants to grow it for me, because she loves to garden, and every time I leave her house she is all, “You got your pot?” When I show up and start smoking she always says, “Where’s my seeds!?” I dig this woman, she is a hip, hip lady, and I love her. How many parents would do this, you know. Every parent is so uptight when it comes to pot because people believe what the government tells them. If pot were as bad as they say it is, why would they prescribe that shit for, Asthma, Back pain, Insomnia, and Glaucoma? Do you know I drive while I am high, I know, ohhhhh how irresponsible, but seriously that’s how innocent pots is, I started smoking pot when I was 21, I’m 24 now, and I am an extremely safe driver. If I am fucked up then I am not driving, but if I am, cool, then I do it. Trust me I drive a lot better then some of you anti-pot fucked up drivers.

I can smoke pot all night long, and wake up never feeling the effects. I can go 6 months without pot and not even notice. My thoughts go to deeper levels and I find I am more interested in life and the way it works and controls us. I am creative sober and when I am high it is taken to another level. I feel inner peace, and at one with my self. I am not running away from anything, I am just taping into my inner self. I really think the world would be a better place if everyone just mellowed the fuck out and smoke some pot every once and while.

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